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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


"Christ, 'holy, innocent, and undefiled,' knew nothing of sin, but came only to expiate the sins of the people. – Catechism of the Catholic Church 827.


Jesus was Holy and knew nothing about sin but he was sacrificed by God on the cross of Calvary for atonement of our sins.


God from the beginning wanted to save people from sin, that’s why He sent so many prophets to them but most of them did not listen to the prophets and did as they wished.  More they went far from God more they had to go through sufferings and because of unbearable pain in it they cried out to God, God because of His love and mercy He sent someone to save them after that also they were following God for a little time and again did the same thing and again they went through sufferings. This happened many times as mentioned in the Bible.


Because of this God had to implement His master plan of sending His only son to the World. God is Spirit that is why He had to send His only son in Human form and that’s why he chose Mary out of the entire world to be the mother of Jesus. She became spouse of the Holy Spirit and conceived God’s only son in her womb. Mother Mary became partner with God to bring forth His only son into this world.


Jesus was born and raised in a devout family and learned everything and accepted everything befell on Him and surrendered everything in the hands of His father. Jesus was always communicating with His father through prayer and was obedient to His father until His death.


Jesus was full of Grace, that’s why He was Holy, Innocent and without any sin from His birth till His death. Jesus was persecuted, beaten, spit upon, scourged, crowned with thorns, made to carry the heavy cross to Calvary, nailed Him on the cross, pierced on His side and died on the cross only to bear all the punishment due to our sin.


Jesus has been given authority to forgive sins on this earth because He carried our sins on the cross and died for us so that we may live by looking at His sacrifice. Let us honour the sacrifice of Jesus so that we may give up our sinful life and live a life of Grace.


Date: 08: 08: 2020.

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