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Friday, August 21, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Luke 3:8 A-  Bear fruits worthy of repentance.


In today’s world we find people who are in prayers from many years and also people who are in prayers from few years but the real truth is we have to analyze our life and see whether we have cultivated the fruits of Holy Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) in our life. If we have not cultivated fruits of the Holy Spirit then surely there is something wrong in our prayer or intention of coming to prayer.


Gifts of God we get freely when we repent so we do not have to work very hard to receive it. But to cultivate the fruits of the Holy Spirit it requires lots of hard work, commitment, courage and faith.


God clearly says in His words that if we are good tree then surely we will bear good fruit and if we are bad tree we will surely bear bad fruit.


Most of the people who are coming to prayers are coming because they want solutions for some problems or health issues they have and once they get the solutions to their problems they slip slowly out of prayer into the world again.


We have to come to prayer not get something out of it but to grow our relationship with God strong. When we have good relationship with God, we will receive from God more than what we think or imagine or ask from Him.


We all have become bad tree bearing bad fruit because of the influence of the world and because of this we have messed up our life and also we have messed up many relationship and when we truly repent and with the Grace of God and become Good tree we will be able to bear good fruits and also our life of mess will become great message for others around us and also all the relationship which was strained in the past will be repaired and restored.


Let us repent with all our heart for all the past mistakes and disobedience towards God so that we will bear fruits of the Holy Spirit which will make us one of a kind among all the people living around us.


Date: 21: 08: 2020.

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