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Friday, July 31, 2020



Word of God clearly says in Ephesians 5:20: giving thanks to god the father at all times and for everything in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.


In today’s world people who receive miracles from God everyday are millions and we can see out of that only thousands come forward to give thanks to God for His miracles, others walk away as nothing has happened in their life.

We all have to understand if we have 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears and nose that is more than enough to thank the Lord daily. We instead of thanking God for creating us perfectly we complain and grumble over small things. When we see around us people who do not have hands or legs or blind or deaf or mute, we will understand the value of our body parts blessed by God to us.


Living a life of thanksgiving to God daily is the best life we can live on earth. Giving thanks to God for all He has given and also for all He has withheld will make us experience great things in our life which is far beyond our imagination.


Many of us thank God after we receive miracles and only handpicked few are thanking God in advance for all the miracles they are going to see. It is better for us to thank God before miracle happens because it displays our total trust and confidence in Him.


We have to know that we do not require a reason to thank God because every moment we are alive it is because of mercy of God and we can thank God for keeping us alive when thousands around us are dying.


Thanking God will surely give us great confidence in God in desperate situations. We can overcome helpless situations by thanking God. We thank our family and friends for doing good in our life in the same way how much more we have to thank God for doing great things in our life especially for saving our soul from eternal fire of  hell.


Date: 31-07-2020.

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