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Monday, July 6, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 4:7 - Jesus answered him, “it is also written: ‘do not put the lord your God to the test.’

Word of God says that we should not put God to test but unfortunately most of us put God to test by giving Him time frame to do miracles.

When we put God to test first person who will pour suggestions inside us is the devil. We easily accept wrong suggestions and make our situation messier. God has full knowledge of what is going on inside us and also around us, so we Instead of putting Him to test let us patiently wait for Him.

God is always on time, He is never early or late but always provides us with everything on time. God knows very well that times of persecution, trials, suffering is hard to bear that’s why He provides us His Grace and strength to bear it joyfully and overcome it in due time.

We have trust in the Lord rather only believing Him. We have to understand the difference between believe and trust.

Believe means that we chose to respond to His promise for a set period of time and if nothing happens in that period of time we plan to quit prayers thinking this is not for us. Trust means we know God is faithful to His Word and He will do everything He has said in His time, so we instead of bothering about it we move forward to do something for the Lord.
We have to understand when we believe in the Lord there is possibility of putting Lord to test, when we trust there is no chance of putting Lord to test.

Most of us who believe in Jesus and His word believe either because of witnessing miracles in front of our eyes but this belief will not last for long but when we have personal encounter with Jesus then we will learn to trust Him because we know Him personally. It is better for us to know Jesus personally instead of knowing through others.

Let us not put the Lord to test but wait for Him with faith, courage and patience.

Date: 06-07-2020.

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