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Monday, July 27, 2020


All blessings come to us through our Lord. He will teach us, for in beholding his life we find that he is the best example.” -- Saint Teresa of Avila

Every blessings in our life flows from the mighty hand of God and there is nothing good in our life we possess because of our works. For many of us to reach to that great blessing of God there is uphill task because devil and his companions will block us on the way, if we are not strong in the Word of God instead of walking forward with courage we step backwards with fear.

To receive blessings of God we have to be like empty vessels ready to be filled with His Love and Grace. Once we are having blessing of God in our life if we become selfless it will multiply and overflow like a great river which we cannot control.

God initially takes us in the difficult path to test us whether we are going to be faithful to Him and His Word. Once God knows that we are faithful to His Word then He blesses us abundantly and the biggest danger lies after we are blessed because most of us quit prayer because of the blessing and very few live a simple life and share the blessings with others.

God is the best example we have, after having control over the whole world He chooses His only son to be born in a poor family in a manger. God after being so powerful He allowed His only son to suffer on the cross and die for our sin, if He wanted He could have destroyed the entire humankind in a moment. God after being so powerful He touches us gently instead of showing His real power which can take us from one country and place us into another country in a second.

As God displays us His example, we have to lead His way no matter how rich we become. Let us follow the example of God and live in this world so that blessings we have received from God will only multiply and never decrease.

Date: --27:07: 2020.

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