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Sunday, July 26, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Psalm 84:11 - For the Lord God is a sun and shield; he bestows favour and honour. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly.

When we decide to walk with the Lord by obeying His Word, God will surely bestow on us favour and Honour.


When we read the Word of God, meditate on it and obey it in midst of difficult situations we will be favoured by God and He will pour in our life things we have not expected and also things that we do not deserve. We should have wrong understanding that we have come to favour because of our works, truth is we are qualified to receive favour from God through His Grace. We have read in the Word of God the people who enjoyed favour of God in their life, to name a few Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses , David, Solomon and so on and in the New testament  Mother Mary, Zechariah, John the Baptist, all the apostles , Paul, Barnabas and so on. The same favour of God is working in many people’s lives today also.


When we lived in this world we all were not counted by others as best , that’s why we had to go through persecution, trials, shame and rejection from others around us including our loved ones. When God intervenes in our life and if we co-operate with Him then surely God will work great things in us and make us best of best so that we are honoured and celebrated by people. God replaces persecution with happiness, trials with rewards, shame with Glory and rejection with acceptance.

Every great things happening in our life is work of God and He doesn’t hide any good things from us but provides us at the right time if we trust in Him and wait for Him. Without God our life will be filled with emptiness and because of this emptiness we will fall into different kinds of addictions and evil inclinations. When God is with us all the time we will be walking in the light, moment we divert our direction then we will be walking with the devil in the darkness.

Date: 26-07-2020.

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