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Tuesday, July 28, 2020


"God is Love" and love is his first gift, containing all others. "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."---Catechism of the Catholic Church 733.

God is love and without knowing about love we cannot know God. Most of us think we love each other by wishing good morning, good afternoon and good night but is not love but affection.

There is huge difference between love and affection. Affection can change according to people’s behaviour but love doesn’t change. When people are good to us we wish them whenever we pass by and when the same people treat us badly we ignore them and walk away. This is affection. When we love others love doesn’t change as per their behaviour and it will remain the same.

In today’s world people have mistook affection for love that’s why most of the people do not bear each other. The moment they are hurt they want to give back thinking that will improve the situation but in return it will make the situation worst.

God loves us as we are and never forces us to change and we also have to follow the same and try to change ourselves first and allow others to change as God leads them then surely we can avoid conflicts every day.

Love is gift from God which is poured into us through His Holy Spirit. Without love of God in our life we will be empty and when we are empty we will sound more.

To check whether we are having Love of God we have to see whether we possess the characteristics.
1.             Love is patient
2.             Love is Kind
3.             Love is not envious
4.             Love is not boastful
5.             Love is not arrogant
6.             Love is not rude
7.             Love does not insist on its own way.
8.             Love is not irritable
9.             Love is not resentful
10.       Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing
11.       Love rejoices in truth
12.       Love bears all things
13.       Love believes all things
14.       Love hope in all things
15.       Love endures all things

We have to analyze our life and see how many characteristics we possess if we don’t then we do not have love and if we do not have love then surely we do not know the Lord.

Date: -- 28:07: 2020.

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