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Thursday, July 2, 2020


“The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise him to the greatest extent of our powers.” Maximilian Kolbe.

In today’s world we see indifference towards others are in plenty only because people instead of growing in selflessness they grow into selfishness.

Most of us come to prayer not because we want to learn about God but to fulfil their selfish desires. More we are blessed by God more we will become greedy.

The person who has gone through hard times only will understand how much indifference of other people have cost them. Today indifference is not only limited towards rich towards the poor but it has spread to other people also like parents towards children, husbands towards wife and vice versa, teachers towards students, employer towards employees and so on.

Our indifference towards others shows our lack of love. In the moments we experience indifference we should immediately have to turn to God or else that one experience of indifference can make our life bitter. Once our life becomes bitter then it’s not possible for God to work great things in our life.
Let us make our best effort make difference in the life of those who are broken, depressed, suffering, poor instead displaying our indifference to them and breaking them more.

Everyone can share either money or time or talent in the life of people suffering. Some of us may not have money but have time and talent blessed by God to share with them. People who give time for others when they broken are more blessed than people who just give money and walk away.

Date: --02:07: 2020.

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