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Sunday, July 5, 2020


“If God were our one and only desire we would not be so easily upset when our opinions do not find outside acceptance.”
―  The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis.

In today’s world even after going through virus crisis peoples attitude has not changed and most of them are not ready to change themselves for good.

For most of them it’s very disturbing times but still instead of seeking help from the Lord they spend their time gossiping, watching TV, Whatsapp, Internet and so on because their top most priority in life is not God.

Virus problem instead of getting better its becoming worst day by day but still our minds are not fixed on God and His Word.

In today’s world everyone wants their ideas and advices to be accepted by others and when we are facing rejection we start complaining and grumbling. Many a times everything we suggest to others if it is not according to the Word of God if the other accepts and falters then the whole blame will come on us.

It is better to keep our mouth shut unless we are asked for any suggestions. Let us all make suggestions to our own life according to the Word of God so that our life will change from sin to Grace. If our life is changed then surely we can lead others by example.

When we are experiencing change in our life from sin to Grace no matter who comes against us or what rejection we or if others do not acknowledge us we will not become upset easily because of God’s strength present with us. We have to make God only reason to live so that nothing happening in our life will disturb us.

Date: 05:07: 2020.

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