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Thursday, July 23, 2020


In the unity of this Body, there is a diversity of members and functions. All members are linked to one another, especially to those who are suffering, to the poor and persecuted ---Catechism of the Catholic Church 806.

In today’s church we do not see unity because of leaders. If we ask people whom they belong they will say I belong this church, this prayer group and very few people say I belong to Jesus.

Today disunity between leaders is creating a opportunity to start their own groups and call church. Church is not the work of man but it is the work of Holy Spirit. We have to understand that Holy Spirit is the top boss of the church and we have to listen to Him always.

We all as humans have different parts of our body knit together to make it look single. If our eyes say I want to stop functioning then surely we will become blind, in the same way if other parts of our body stop functioning we cannot move forward. If one part of our body is in pain the whole body is affected in the same way one member of the church is suffering or persecuted or poor  is in pain the whole church will be affected if we live in unity and we will do the best to help that person to lighten his sufferings.

In today’s church we do not find people helping others who are going through sufferings, persecuted and the poor instead they make fun of them and also gossip about them to make their suffering worst instead of making better.

We have to understand that people who suffer, persecuted and poor are masterpiece of God. Whenever we find one of these people we have to try our level best to help them with whatever we can or else any moment life can take a u turn and we may land up in one of this category and cry. God is giving us opportunity to identify them and help them, only when we are alert we will be able to help them.

In today’s church people who are having fellowship with rich people more than these who are having fellowship with the people who are suffering, persecuted and the poor. Most of us consider them as our last priority.

Let us live with unity so that Holy Spirit will work powerfully in our life and also in the life of people who are suffering, persecuted and poor through us.

Date: -- 23:07:2020.

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