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Friday, July 24, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 John 4:18; There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love.

We will not have any fear when we are perfected in God’s Love. If we are in fear of different kinds in our life it is because we are going through punishment.

We are all in the midst of global crisis from past 4 months and these 4 months clearly set aside people with fear and also people without fear. People with fear are getting restless and people without fear living joyfully as if nothing has happened.

God’s Love is pure and perfect and when we have perfected God’s love it will remove every fear from inside of us. When we are perfected in God’s love we cannot live for ourselves but we will live to build the Kingdom of God on this earth.

Biggest problem we have to be perfected in God’s Love is selfishness. When we are having selfishness God cannot perfect us in His love. We have to grow from selfishness to selflessness. Once this happens then surely God’s work of perfecting us will come to completion. After that no matter what situation comes in our life we will fight it courageously because of perfected love of God.

We cannot fight any battle and be victorious without becoming courageous that is the main reason God has said many times in His word “Do not fear” because when we fear we will lose the battle before it begins.

God will take us in the journey of storms to make us perfect in His love, if we co-operate with Him, we will be perfected in His love and live victorious life or else we will have to live with fear for rest of our life.

Date: 24-07-2020.

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