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Wednesday, July 15, 2020


“Jesus has now many lovers of the heavenly kingdom but few bearers of His cross.”― Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis. 

In today’s modern world most of us love Jesus because of healing, miracles, deliverance and so on. This is the main reason that people flock in to retreats and novenas.

Most of us want to experience good things from Jesus and when He destines for us His cross to carry most of us complain, grumble and rebel.

We have seen many people experiencing the miracles from Jesus in the Gospels and we see only few of them on the foot of the cross, that’s why miracles, healing, deliverance will keep us connected to the specific period of time and after that we start walking in the same way like before.

We all know the reason we have come to prayer and when we generally analyze we see most of the people come to prayer because of their problem and others to increase in material things but those who come to prayer to get strength to bear the cross will be very few in numbers.

Holy cross of Jesus is the only way we have to reach heaven but the truth is most of us want to enjoy our life on earth so that our suffering will start after our  death. It is better for us to suffer on earth for a destined time by God so that we may rejoice in heaven after our death.

Most of us do not wish to carry our cross because of the persecution, pain and suffering involved in it. We are only interested to get good things from God so that we can satisfy the desires of our flesh and we do not wish to carry the cross destined for us thinking that it is reserved for priest, nuns, preachers and religious.

Holy cross of Jesus may bring us persecution, pain and suffering but when we bear it with joy the same cross will give birth to something great in our life.

Date: 15:07: 2020.

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