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Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Luke 12:6-7 - Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight.  But even the hairs of your head are all counted. Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.

We are all on the verge of breakdown as the problem of pandemic is becoming worse day by day and because of this many of us are in fear, some are in worry and most of us are in distress.

The main reason for fear, worry and distress is because of not experiencing power of God in our life. We all gave lame excuses when everything was good that we do not have time for prayer but now when there was lockdown and when we had plenty of time also our attitude has not changed.

When we keep our faith in creation instead of creator we are going to become weak when situations fail around us. Jesus is reminding us that we are precious in His eyes that is why He has given second chance to everyone through this global crisis. If we do not grab it with both our hands then we will be responsible when we reach our final destination.

In the olden days 2 sparrows were sold for 1 penny and as per that for 2 penny we have to receive 4 sparrows instead we receive 5 sparrows 1 free. God is telling us through His word that He has not forgotten even the sparrow which came for free then there is no possibility that He will forget us. It is we who forget God in our good times and all of a sudden when things go wrong we remember Him. It is not same with God, He remembers us all the time when we were praying and also when we were not praying.

Jesus is reminding is that no matter what is going on around us still  He will be with us so that we should not be afraid and also all the hair of our head is counted. Jesus is also telling us that each and every one of us are dear to Him so that He will never abandon us or fail us in these hard times.

When everything was good around us we had many options with us and out of all the options we had God was not there in all that options we had and today the situation has come against us very badly and all our other options have failed miserably and we have been left with only one option that is Jesus.

Date: 14-07-2020.

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