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Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Mary is truly "Mother of God" since she is the mother of the eternal Son of God made man, who is God himself. ---Catechism of the Catholic Church 509.

Most of us after being Catholics do not know Mother Mary which is very sad to see. Many Catholics have fallen trap set by other denominations and have exited from the Catholic Church to other denominations.

Many once who were Catholics converted to other denominations speak very badly about Mother Mary without understanding that she is Mother of Jesus.
In our daily life we respect our mother because she gave birth to us in the same way how much more we have respect Mother Mary who is mother of Jesus.

No matter what we think about Mother Mary we cannot change the truth that she is the Mother of Jesus, Mother of our Saviour, Mother of our Redeemer and Mother of God. She was full of Grace that is she was without any sin when living on this earth.

In today’s world You can find none who lived all their life without committing sin except Jesus and Mother Mary that’s the reason she is Blessed among all woman who have lived in the past and those who are living now and also those who are going to live till the end of the world.

We have to understand no matter who speaks what about Her on this earth, we cannot change the truth and lies cannot stand for long but truth lives forever.

Date: -- 08:07:2020.

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