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Tuesday, July 7, 2020


When you encounter difficulties and contradictions, do not try to break them, but bend them with gentleness and time. – Saint Francis de Sales.

Today’s generation is moving forward in worldliness and moving backwards spiritually.

Main reason for this is irresponsible attitude of parents towards children when they were small for not teaching them to pray and because of this most of them cannot go through simple problems of life. Most of them get depressed when ordinary problems strikes them and because of this we cannot even think of them carrying their daily crosses and follow Jesus.
We see around us many husband and wife, parents and children, employer and employee and so on going through difficulties or contradictions. It will be very hard for us to bear difficulties or contradictions without help of the Word of God.

As the difficulties and contradictions increase in our homes or workplaces or in our neighbourhood we feel like giving back to them with harsh words to teach them a lesson, by doing this we will make difficulties and contradictions more difficult to overcome.

We should not try to break the difficulties or contradiction we are facing but we need to turn it to our favour through gentleness and giving it time.

When we deal with difficulties and contradictions God’s way surely victory is ours. If we deal every difficulties and contradictions coming against us with patience and through Word of God, No matter who brings difficulties and contradictions in our life cannot prevail over us because of God on our side and because of this after a while the same people will be in our favour.

Most of us when we are facing difficulties and contradictions instead of overcoming God’s way we chose do it our way and strain relationship to that extent where repair will take long time. Let us learn to be gentle and also give time so that we overcome every difficulty and contradiction God’s way and reap great rewards from God.

Date: -- 07:07: 2020.

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