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Thursday, July 9, 2020


Word of God clearly says in wisdom 3:5 - having been disciplined a little, they will receive great good, because God tested them and found them worthy of Himself;

When we are in prayers we have to firstly make ourselves ready to face every battle coming our way and also we have to be ready to experience the discipline from the Lord.

We may fight battles to some extent as our experience grows but to go through discipline from the Lord is very difficult for even those who are in prayers for long. God’s discipline will be perfect and complete, that’s why Lords discipline involves lots of pain.

When we are in prayers we are ready to take up everything as a challenge except bearing pain silently. When pain enters our life most of us become restless. Pain is not coming in our life by chance but because of definite purpose and plan of God to change our life from sin to Grace.

The process of changing our life from sin to Grace is very difficult task. God Knows very well that without uprooting all sin from root He cannot plant seeds of His kingdom, that’s why when every sin is uprooted from our life it will pain. We have bear all the pain in silence so that God can continue His work which He has started in our life.

We have to understand that God will call many but out of that those who stand faithful in the tests will chosen. If we are going through any pains in our life we have to unite it to the pains Jesus suffered on the cross so that through that pain something great will flow in our life.

God knows better than us our strengths and our weakness and according to that He will allow everything in our life but because of our failure of self examining us we fall into distress and live with sorrow instead of being joyful.

Date: 09-07-2020.

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