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Sunday, July 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 41: 10 - do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. 

In today’s world most of the people are in fear because of crisis becoming worse day by day. Most of them do not even understand what to do next. Most of them are even scared to stand next to person who is having common cold and fever thinking about the virus. We are scared because we do not know the Word of God and its power.
When we are in fear instead of sitting there for long we have to switch our focus towards the Word of God otherwise fear will enter our mind and heart and then that fear can turn into panic attack or depression.

God is saying through His Word to us not to fear any situation because He is with us all the time. We cannot believe that God is with us unless we know His Word. God will always provide us courage in times of fear through His Word. If we do not know His Word we will not know Him.

Courage comes from God in the same way fear comes from the devil. If we are in fear then we have to understand that God’s love is not perfected in us and also we are going through punishments for our sins.

God is promising us through His Word that He will strengthen us when we are weak and He will help us when we do not understand things going on in our life and also God is promising us that He will lift us in His victorious right hand.

When we treasure great promises of God in our heart then no matter how much bad is the situation around us we will be at peace.

God is the only source we have in our urgent needs and He will respond to our cry 24 hours a day and all the days of the year. God is the only one who can give us clear guidance in times of uncertainty that’s why we have to depend on Him more so that we may receive all that He has promised.

Date: 19-07-2020.

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