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Sunday, July 12, 2020


This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections. - St. Augustine.

We are all having one or more imperfections in our life but the biggest problem with most of us is we love to point out imperfections of others around us but we do not have time to look into our own life and because of doing this we live with imperfections all our life and never try to grow into perfection.

Jesus has clearly said in His word to be perfect as His Heavenly Father is perfect. Every imperfection in us to grow into perfection it will not happen like magic overnight as many think but for some it will take years and for others it will take all their life.

First of all we have to know our imperfections so that we may grow into perfection. Most of us do not know that we are filled with many imperfections. If we are not growing into perfection ourselves we will be like hypocrites pointing finger at others imperfections.

Jesus is the greatest example for perfection and if we imitate Him in our daily life surely we will grow into perfection. Once we become perfect in one area let us not stop thinking that we are perfect instead let us examine our life and evaluate other areas of our imperfections and grow perfect so that we will become unique instead becoming crowd all our life.

We all have different Imperfections in our life. Our imperfections can be in one or more areas of our life.

Some of the important areas of our where we have to grow into perfection are love, kindness, chastity, meekness, gentleness, peace, patience, courage, confidence, strength, generosity, forgiveness, mercy, selflessness and goodness to name some because list is endless.

We all may have imperfections in many areas of our life and we have to identify the areas so that we may grow perfect in that. We have to strive to grow into perfection before it is too late for us.

Date: --12: 07: 2020.

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