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Thursday, July 30, 2020



“Wherever you go, there you are.”
 The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.


We are in the midst of crisis where there are restrictions in churches and other religious activities. That’s why most of us think that they miss Going to church and also think that they miss God. But the real truth is God dwells in us.


Wherever we go God also walks with us but we because of being busy in other things we fail to notice it. God is always mindful of us and that’s why He wants to be with us wherever we go so that He can reach us to our final destination that is heaven.


Most of the times it is we who make wrong decision to walk away from God so that we can indulge ourselves in pleasure of flesh and desires of the world. More we go far from God more we will be filled with darkness and because of this our mind will be dull and we cannot understand most the things devil is implementing in our life.


Only when we are close to God we will be full of light and when we are full of light, devil will be scared of us and cannot come close to us but he has no other option than to flee from us. God is with us all the time as per His promise but most of the time it is we who are not with God that’s why we feel that God is not with us but the truth is God was with us when we were in sin and also God was with us when we experienced conversion of our soul.


We may think that we can do works of darkness hiding from God but we cannot hide anything from God because His eyes are 10,000 times brighter than the sun and He can search every small detail of our life which we also do not know. We have to understand that wherever we go, God will also walk with us and never allow us to walk alone.


Date: 30:07: 2020.

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