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Friday, July 10, 2020


“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.”
―  The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas à Kempis.

We all live in this world with people of different qualities and that’s why many of us either like them or dislike them based on their behaviour. People we like are the easiest people to live with and people we dislike are most difficult people to live with.

We dislike people only because we want them to lead a life pleasing to us. That is why we have high expectations about them and when they fail to meet our expectations then we get angry with them and give them advice to change. But the truth is more we give advice more they mess up. Instead of giving advice to them we have to pray for them so that through God’s advice they will change their life for good.

In today’s world many relationships are breaking because of our high expectations. We have to understand that we cannot change anyone according to our mindset but at least we can try to make ourselves according to the Word of God.

We try to change others so much thinking that we are much better than them but in reality we will be worst than them. Even if we make resolution to change for good we may pursue for sometime after that we may also fail badly.

Let us from today keep our expectations only on God because He never fails. If we keep our expectations on human beings surely they will fail us because everyone has been uniquely designed by God to do different tasks. That’s why it is better for us to identify each other’s strength instead of exposing each other’s weakness to live happily.

Date: 10:07: 2020.

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