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Monday, July 13, 2020


The temptation in the desert shows Jesus, the humble Messiah, who triumphs over Satan by his total adherence to the plan of salvation willed by the Father ---Catechism of the Catholic Church 566.

We all after being Catholics think that Jesus was Divine that’s why He had power to control everything when He was in the earth. The truth is Jesus was fully human and fully divine and that’s why He also had to go through temptations like us.

We most of the times because of not fleeing from the temptations give in to it and struggle to come out of it. More we try to come out of any temptations by our own strength we will fall into it again because our strength is not enough to overcome it , that’s why we have to receive help from Jesus who can teach us step by step to overcome it.
We have to understand that temptations are not coming from God but from devil and his companions so that they can uproot our spiritual life. Once they succeed in doing it they will not stop but take us on a journey towards eternal fire of hell.

We have to know that temptations from the devil can come to us suddenly through our thoughts and once we approve our thoughts then our action will be according to our thoughts. Temptations are coming in our life so that when we fall trap to temptations devil can easily destroy our blessings. We have to be alert all the time or else we will surely fall into temptations easily.

If we are in midst of temptations and we do not know what to do then surely instead of waiting there we have to flee from it and also seek help of Jesus and also our Guardian angel who will surely help us resist it.

Jesus overcame all the temptations of the devil in the desert by speaking the Word of God. If we do not know the Word of God we will not be sure whether the temptation is right or wrong. We have to counter attack devil and his companions when they come to attack us by speaking the Word of God boldly. Then surely devil and his companions will have no other option than to flee from us.

Date: -- 13:07:2020.

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