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Thursday, July 16, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Joel 2:12-13 - Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;
rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, Your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.

God is calling the entire humankind to repent and return to Him. We have to understand that when we were baptised when we were infant we were purified from original sin and hence made white as snow.

After that our life for the future shaped up depending on how our parents lived. If our parents were unbelievers then we also become unbelievers and if our parents were believers we also become believers.

Most of the parents are so busy in the world and because of that instead of teaching their children prayers they give videogames, TV and internet in their hands when they barely know and spoil their entire life.

God is giving us now chance to repent and start praying now so that our future generations will be in prayers. Without repenting we cannot turn to God. Repenting will look good when it is just a word but when we really repent we will know the difficulty involved in it. Committing sin is the easiest thing to do but to give up that particular sin we struggle for months and years.

God is merciful and gracious and He will accept us as we are and pour on us His love so that we may repent with true and contrite heart. Truth is most of us do not have desire to repent and have great desire to receive only good from the hands of God.

Without repenting for our sins we will not be able realize the errors we are doing. God is always merciful and will give us second chance to change our life for good.

When we accept God’s call and repent He will show His steadfast love and stop punishing us and starts rewarding us. Most of the people in this world have misunderstood God’s love and mercy that’s why when problem knocks on their door they blame God for it.

We have to understand when we wish to repent and we are not able to do it, this happens because of the uprooting process which is in progress and not complete in our life. We have to be patient and trust God so that He can complete the work He has begun.

Most of us are not ashamed of ourselves when we commit sin but most of us are ashamed of ourselves when we repent because we always think about what others may say about us. We have to know that repenting will not only save us from committing sin and also will save us on the judgement day. We should bother about what others say because they cannot save us on the day of Judgement.

Let us all with all our heart accept God’s call to repent in midst of this crisis so that we may grow from wrong to right and from sin to righteousness.

Date: 16-07-2020.

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