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Saturday, July 4, 2020


Word of God clearly says in  Ecclesiastes 2:26 - For to the one who pleases him God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy; but to the sinner he gives the work of gathering and heaping, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a chasing after wind.

We after being in the fellowship with the world have become people pleaser instead of becoming God pleaser. By pleasing people we may reap momentary reward but when we become God pleaser we will reap eternal reward.

To please people all we need is flattery, lies and exalting them, by doing all this we may win their favour for a while but after that they may come against us.

To please God all we need is faith and we cannot get faith by attending Holy mass in the church or attending novenas or attending retreats or attending prayer group but by practicing everything we listen in Holy mass, retreat, novena and prayer group.

When we put into practice Word of God we listen our faith will be tested by God through various situations and when we overcome the situation through the Word of God then we will grow little in faith, Once we grow in faith little then slowly desire to grow in faith will increase.

When we increase in faith God will bless with His divine wisdom, knowledge and joy.

When we chose to live in sin then we will be busy in the world toiling and gathering everything to give it to those who please God. We all have goals in life and the truth is most of us have big goals to fulfil our desires in this world but very few of us have desire of heaven as our final goal.

By having big goals in the world which is temporary will not automatically earn us a place in heaven. We have to have firstly desire to be with God eternally in heaven, only by having desire it will not work but we have to work towards it through faith.

Let us be God pleaser so that we may enjoy with Him eternally instead of becoming people pleaser and have momentary happiness.
Date: 04-07-2020.

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