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Friday, July 17, 2020


The dress of the body should not discredit the good of the soul.  Saint Cyprian.

In today’s world people who are spiritual and worldly have lost sense of dressing and because of this they are giving a bad example to others around them.

We see in today’s church people coming for Holy mass with short clothes and because of this many people instead of listening to the mass attentively they get distracted.

People are having freewill do whatever they want, that’s why they wear indecent clothes and come to church and their children also follow their footstep.

Dress is made to cover our nakedness but in reality most of the people expose their nakedness so that they may be seen by people. Dressing sense of a person shows that person’s modesty.

Today dressing insensibility does not apply only for woman but also man. Immodest way of dressing shows our irresponsible attitude towards our body. Today many are so busy wearing indecent clothes and removing their picture and posting it on face book, whatsapp and instagram so that they may be liked by many.

Dressing modestly shows our respect towards our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Many people are appearing good outwardly but inwardly they also do the same what the unbelievers do and also teach their children do the same.

In the olden days beggars used to wear torn clothes because they did not have money to buy clothes but today rich pay lots of money for branded clothes which is torn. People are more interested in exposing their nakedness instead of covering it because of influence of media and celebrities.

Let us practice modesty so that we may be a good example to our loved ones. Everything begins with us and will spread to others around us.

Date: --17: 07: 2020.

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