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Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 Samuel 7:22 - Therefore you are great, O Lord God; for there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

We all know Jesus from few days or months or years but the real truth we have to ask ourselves that whether we know His Word. If we do not know His word even after going to church for many years we will not know Jesus personally but definitely we know Jesus through His anointed ones.

Most of our catholic brothers and sisters are very lazy to pray at home and this is the main reason most of our catholic run to God’s chosen ones to ask for prayers. It is not bad to ask for prayers but when we cultivate this habit for long then we will be living with our own problems and never care for others problem all our life.

God has great characteristics and some of His important characteristics are 1. Love 2. Righteousness 3. Mercy 4.Goodness and so on. If we claim we know Jesus then we should posses His characteristics in our life or else we will be deceiving ourselves and living with lies forever.

No matter in what we put our faith other than God all will fail after sometime. We have to understand that if our top most priority is not God then we may have success for a limited period of time and after that waits for us series of problems where we will have no other option than to put our complete trust in God.

When we put our complete trust in God, He will never fail us or abandon us but will show His power and uplift us from the problems we are in. When God uplifts us from impossible situations we will come to know God’s worth in our life. God is always great and we cannot compare anything to Him. He is the greatest of all and He is Supreme and no power can match Him.

We have to understand the difference between the power of God and power of evil. God has power of His own and we can do nothing to decrease it or to increase it but devil doesn’t have power of his own but extracts power from us by deceiving us and making us live in darkness. We can destroy the power we have given to devil when we come to God.

That is why God is supreme and there is none like Him. He speaks the truth to our heart which may make us angry at first but it will surely bring change in us on the other hand devil will tell lies which will make us happy so that we will follow him and get destroyed completely if we do not turn back to God soon.

Date: 21-07-2020.

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