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Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Faith does not quench desire, but inflames it. – Saint Thomas Aquinas.

We all are in different levels of faith and it will be easy for us as beginners but as we move forward great challenges will be waiting for us and if we are not ready to face the challenges then surely we will find the easy way out that is to quit prayers.

We have to understand that once we grow in the basic level of faith then the faith will not die but it will grow.

We see in today’s world we hear many people say I had faith before and because of some situation I lost my faith. This is the biggest lie because Gods word is living and if we have fellowship with His word daily surely it will grow.

We have all born as infants and come into this world and are living today grown into different ages. Because we are living we are growing every year and no one can say that I have again become infant because I lost my years.

We have to know that nothing can be lost which was not there with us. We did not have faith that is why we do not have. Instead of saying I lost my faith we have to agree that we did not have faith so that we can commit ourselves to the Word of God and grow mature in faith.

      We can receive faith by listening to the Word of God but the truth is most of us listen to the words of the world more than Word of God that is why we will be living with fear rather than living in courage.

Many people who were claiming to have faith before the crisis began are now depressed. This clearly shows that they were acting to show others that they have faith but in reality they were not having faith in God’s Word. Once a person puts His faith in God’s Word no matter what happens around that person, he will not fall into fear but act courageously.

Faith always ignites so that the fire of faith can never go out but will increase everyday till we will be on fire for God. Most of the people experience miracles through others prayers and think that is faith and when miracles has to happen through their faith they struggle for years. To have faith in God’s word is not easy as we think but it will require from us discipline, commitment and patience.
Date: --22:07: 2020.

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