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Saturday, July 11, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Lamentations 3:22-23 - The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

God is Love and He loves us all the time no matter how we live. Even when we were disobedient to Him also God loved us more so that through that love we may change. God has not put any conditions to qualify to experience His Love but He loves us always because it is His nature.

We all can try our level best to love as God loves us but it is next to impossible. God loves His enemies as well as His friends. In our daily life to love our friends it is very easy but to love our enemies it will be a uphill task.

We have to understand that Love is above everything we can ever possess in our life. Without love no matter how wealthy we are still our life will be broken and shattered and this is the main reason for many to go into oppression, depression, despair and suicide.

In today’s world everything is happening with the knowledge of God. He is displaying His mercy in midst of this crisis so that He can save souls of many from going to hell. Most of us think this pandemic has become very distressing but we do not want to pray to God for solutions.

For most of us newspaper has become stronghold of our life and we read many newspapers to get all the information about the deadly virus but we do not have time to open the Bible and read God’s word for at least 30 minutes daily. It is better for us to read the Bible and be courageous instead of reading newspaper and fall into fear.

God’s love and mercy will never come to an end because it overflows from Him to us. If God is not showing His love and mercy to us then surely all would have been deceived by the devil and his companions and would have landed in hell eternally. Because of God’s love and mercy we are breathing today in midst of great pandemic or else we also would have perished.

Let us thank God every moment for keeping us alive and also let us make effort to pray Divine Mercy chaplet for those who are infected with virus and also pray for the souls those who are dead so that their soul may rest in peace. We can overcome global crisis soon through unity in prayer. God may be silent now but very soon He will answer our prayers.

Date: 11-07-2020.

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