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Saturday, July 25, 2020


“Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing stronger or higher or wider, nothing is more pleasant, nothing fuller, and nothing better in heaven or on earth, for love is born of God and cannot rest except in God, Who is created above all things.”
The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.

Life of Love is the best life we can live in this world. Love comes from God to us and once we receive love from God we cannot keep it for ourselves but have to share with others.

Truth is in today’s generation people experience the love of God but they fail to share with others.

When we are filled with the love of God we will be different person and God’s love will make us do things we have not imagined or thought of and also He will connect us to greater things in life.

When we are filled with God’s love our life will be increasing in Grace and decreasing in sin. God’s Love will uproot every bad habit from us, God’s love will keep us safe from all addictions, God’s love make our life powerful.

God’s Love is unconditional, sacrificial and forgiving, when we are filled with God’s Love we will also be able to love others unconditionally and also sacrifice our time to pray for them and also forgive them when they hurt us.

There is nothing greater than God’s love It teaches us to love and accept others as they are. It teaches us to be kind to the unkind, it teaches us to pray for our persecutors, it teaches us to be faithful to God in every situation, it  teaches us to be gentle with others, it teachers us to be patient with sinners. It teaches us to love our enemies.

When we have Love of God on this earth then we will surely live according to His Word and also when we die go back to Him to live eternally.

Date: 25:07: 2020.

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