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Saturday, July 18, 2020


Our salvation flows from God's initiative of love for us, because "he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins" "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" ---Catechism of the Catholic Church 620.

God loved the whole world He made and He wanted the entire world to be reconciled to Himself that’s why He sent Prophets after prophets to make people understand about God’s Commandment. People did not listen to the prophets sent by God and started killing them because they could not digest the truth.

After the plans of God did not fulfil through the prophets He sent, He had no other option than to implement His master plan.

To implement His master plan He wanted someone from heaven to go down and Jesus accepted God’s master plan and came down to earth in a human form.

Jesus had to go through lots of persecution from the Jews and He went through all sufferings without complaining and grumbling because He knew completely about what He was sent to do in the world.

Jesus also went through lots of pain and sufferings on the cross only because He loved us and also He wanted to reconcile the entire humankind to God the father.

We have to understand the meaning of salvation. Salvation means “To Save”. To save means to save our souls from sin and punishment. Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross to save us from eternal condemnation.

In today’s world people who value Jesus sacrifice on the cross are very few in numbers that is why devil has upper hand in many people’s life. They dance to tune of the devil till the end of life without understanding dreadful judgement waiting for them after their death.

God wants to save all but the truth is are we saying yes to God and co- operate with Him or we say no and partner with deceiving devil and follow his ways.

Choice is ours as God has given freewill to everyone that’s why we cannot force anyone to accept Jesus but it has to come from their heart. Our choice today will determine our destination tomorrow so let us be careful to choose wisely before it’s too late.

Date: -- 18: 07: 2020.

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