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Monday, July 20, 2020


“God often grants in a moment what He has long denied.” ― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.

We are all praying for one or the other thing from the Lord. Sometimes God provides answers to our prayers within days and sometimes within weeks and sometime months and sometimes years.

When our prayers are answered in days, weeks and months it will be easy to move further but when our prayers are answered in years most of get impatient. We have to understand that God is not slow in answering our prayers but we are slow in our actions.

God wants to do good to everyone but it is we who block God from blessing us because of one of the 3 reasons or all 3 reasons.


Most of us struggle with unforgiveness and because of this no matter how many times we go for confession our sins will not be forgiven. We have to forgive others for what they done to us and also we have to ask forgiveness with others for what we have done for them then only forgiveness can be complete in our life.


Most of us enjoy committing sin everyday of our life and after doing it we expect great things to happen in our life. When we commit sin we create a barrier between God and us that is why God delays answer to our prayers to uproot sin from our life and save our soul first.


When we disobey God’s 10 commandments we automatically get curse in our life and also when we speak evil or gossip about others also we indirectly curse others and so that curse will come back to us.

If we have one or all the three reasons in our life our answers to our prayers will delayed that’s why we should not lose hope instead get ourselves encouraged with  the Word of God so that God will give us what we have longed for years in a moment.

Date: 20:07: 2020.

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