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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in  Matthew 7:21 - ‘Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord”, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only one who does the will of my Father in heaven.


Jesus clearly says that not everyone says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. This word applies to everyone who ask with the Lord solutions for their problems and do not care about obeying the Word of God.


God will always provide solutions to the problems we are going through or the sickness we have or any other situation we are going through, Once we get solution there is no guarantee that we will be going to heaven after we die. God gives solutions to all the problems we are going through because He is always faithful to His Word. We have to understand that when God gives solution to the problems it is just the starting point of our journey towards Him.


Jesus says only those who does the will of the Father in heaven will enter the kingdom of heaven. We have to            understand about God’s will so that we may practice the same. We have to understand that to do God’s will we have to be in prayers daily and also ask Lord what He wants from us instead asking Him what we want . We have to be patient when things happen slowly in our life, We have to strive hard to be holy and righteous, We have to thank God always, We have to face all our battles courageously and also we have to give all glory to God, We should in this process should experience conversion of our soul ,so that we may journey towards heaven.


To do the Will of God is not easy as we think but it requires lots of commitment from our side.


Our commitment should be


1.        To read the Word of God daily from Genesis to revelation.

2.        Memorize the Word of God.

3.        Obey the Word of God

4.        Practice to live according to the Word of God.


When we do the above regularly, we will succeed in doing the will of God so that we may enter heaven when we die.


Date: 01:09:2020.

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