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Friday, September 4, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in  2 Samuel 22:7 - In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I called, From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry came to his ears.



In today’s world people who are at peace are very few compared to the people who are in distress because of the global crisis of pandemic.


We all are going to go through hard times either today or tomorrow and we have to bear all the hard times coming our way joyfully.


When we are going through hard times we are the only one who know the difficulty and pain involved in it, when we smile at others around us they think that everything is fine with us.


In these moments we have to first cry to God about our situation instead of wasting time thinking about it. When we cry to God about our concerns, God will surely give us the solutions we need.


We have to understand no matter who ignores us or do not give heed to our problems, God will surely show great interest to solve our problems because it is His nature. Let us bring to God’s notice every problem we are facing so that through His Word He will give us permanent solutions.


Whenever we call on God we have to be sure that He will answer us but one thing we have to keep in mind is that He will not answer us as we want but as He wants. We have to pray daily and wait in peace until we receive what we have asked for with God.


God wants to help us in our need always but it is we who instead asking God, we start asking our near and dear ones and also sometimes with our community but come to God last when nothing works around us.


God from the beginning of the creation have been helping people who were crying to Him in their distress. He solved their problems by having mercy on them and all those who sought solutions after receiving the solution were doing the same errors what they doing before they got the solutions.


Whenever we are going through something which is difficult and we cannot handle let us instead of breaking our head ask help from God so that we may receive help from Him in the right time.


Date: 04:09:2020.

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