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Monday, September 14, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



For if we continue to love one another and to join in praising the Most Holy Trinity - all of us who are sons of God and form one family in Christ - we will be faithful to the deepest vocation of the Church."Catechism of the Catholic Church 959.


In today’s church we find divisions more than unity and the main reason for this is lack of knowledge and selfishness. Many leaders are responsible for this division and they teach others to do the same so that their ministry will be full all the time. Numbers doesn’t matter only conversion of soul matters. 


God is against division no matter how small it is because everything starts from small and becomes big one day. For example Martin Luther created denomination of Protestants because he was angry about something happening inside the Catholic Church but that 1 denomination created in the year 1517 did not remain one today but it further divided into 50,000 different denominations.


Today we see many wrongs happening inside our churches because of human errors. Even if our church is committing errors it doesn’t give us liberty to do our own things but we have to pray in unity to show our love towards the church and towards the person who has committed error. When we commit errors and go for confession God forgives us in the same way we have to forgive others.


When we live in unity devil cannot touch us and do any harm to us. We have to first understand that starting from pope to ordinary people we are all belonging to the family of God, hence it is our responsibility to pray for the family member who dwells in sin or doing wrongs, by doing this we will be blessed abundantly for bringing back that soul to God.


We as Catholics have to become role model to others around us displaying our unity so that we may reject entry to the devil to take advantage of our situation and divide us. When we stand faithful to the church we are born into surely we will be displaying our support and love to our church.


Date: 14:09:2020.

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