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Friday, September 18, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



"In the forgiveness of sins, both priests and sacraments are instruments which our Lord Jesus Christ, the only author and liberal giver of salvation, wills to use in order to efface our sins and give us the grace of justification" Catechism of the Catholic Church 987.


We all can pray for few hours a day but when it comes to forgiveness most of us are very careless and because of this we pierce ourselves with unwanted sickness and problems.

Forgiving others or asking forgiveness with others requires lots of humility from us and without being humble it is not possible to say sorry for the mistakes we are doing.


Forgiveness is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Himself after His resurrection and shared His authority with His disciples so that they may also continue His mission on this earth.


We have to understand that the authority to forgive sins was initially given to the disciples and from there it has been passed on to the pope to cardinals to bishops to the priests. We have to understand that every priest who hears our confessions is persona Christi that means person in Christ. Priests are just instruments of God who are doing their job tirelessly given to them by God.


Most of us have wrong understanding that priest who is committing sins cannot forgive our sins but the truth is priest is only sitting as instrument of the Lord but it is Jesus who is forgiving our sins through them. Priest’s personal life doesn’t have anything to do with forgiveness of our sins.


We as Catholics are very good in attending Holy mass or retreat or novenas and when we ask Catholics when they last went for confession and to our surprise most of them have not gone for confession for at least 1 year or more. Without going for confession at least once in 2 months it is impossible to live the life of Grace bless by God.


Date: 18:09:2020.

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