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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Don’t allow the sad sight of human injustice to sadden your soul; someday you will see the unfailing justice of God triumph over it !- Saint Padre Pio.

We all live in our neighbourhood as one family and when we live as one family we will have to go through lots of indifferences from people around us. When we go through indifferences we feel very bad or angry or sad about it.

When we go through injustice first thing which we have to remind ourselves is the injustice Jesus went through by experiencing the pain in persecution, suffering and death without doing anything wrong. When our master has gone through series of injustice when we are following Him we will also will be given experience of it to understand His pain in a small way.

Whenever we face the injustice from others around us we have to offer it to the Lord or else we may develop bitterness against the person who is unjust to us. People become unjust with us because of two reasons 1. Lack of knowledge 2. Arrogance.

Lack of Knowledge

Because of lack of knowledge people will do whatever comes to their mind without understanding that their actions might damage the peace, reputation and respect of others. When their actions causes damage to others they have to pay for it today or in coming days.


Some people have lots of arrogance inside them either because of having good job and money. Because of their arrogance they cause lots of damage in others life, sometimes it can be repaired and sometimes the damage caused is so much that repair will take long time.

We all can become unjust or unfair to others around us but when time comes God’s justice will come in search of them and make them go through unjust situations so that they may understand the pain involved in it.

Let us understand that our God is God of justice, so especially when we are praying let us practice justice which is one of the 4 cardinal virtues in our life.


Date: 09:09:2020.

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