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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“If you’re too busy to pray…you’re too busy” Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


We all many a times skip prayers because we were doing our daily routine work that’s why most of us give excuse saying that because of being busy with other things we skipped prayer today.


Devil is very cunning and deceivingly keeps many of us busy in the world so that we may not have time to pray. We because of being busy in the world we have invited great disasters in our life and also around us in the world.


We have to understand the meaning of BUSY. Busy means

B- being

U- under

S- satans

Y- yoke

If we are busy with something which will increase only material wealth and not virtues we will be in serious danger of perishing. God has given us 24 hours in a day and in those 24 hours if we do not spend at least 1 hour then surely there is something wrong in our planning our day.

This virus has not come by chance but has come because of being allowed by God to change people’s direction from world to Him. Many have experienced pain through death of their loved ones and others are in pain because of mistreated by others for being positive. Let us take seriously the wakeup call and pray daily before something worst than this wipe us out.


Let us make time for God daily no matter how busy we are so that we can go through any crisis with joy and overcome it . God will allow certain things in our life so that our attention is diverted towards Him and after seeing what we are going through He will surely rescue us from the land full of insecurity and place us in the land full of security.


Date: 27:09:2020.

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