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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Time spent in honor of God and for the salvation of souls is never badly spent.- Saint Padre Pio.

In today’s world we see people spending their time carelessly either by watching TV or shopping or picnic or internet or whatsapp or any other form of entertainment more than required which will not bring any change in them and also will not bring any change in others through them.

In the same way people who spend time in prayers or Blessed Sacrament or Holy mass or Reading Bible or speaking Word of God with others are very few in numbers and many think that they are wasting their time by involving themselves to everything connected to prayer.


Truth is people who are doing everything of the world and nothing connected to God are the people who are wasting their time on this earth because of that they have to prepare themselves to accept judgement according to God’s justice.

More we do things of the world more we will grow selfish and more we do things connected to God we will outgrow selfishness and grow into selflessness. When we are selfless we will try our level best to use our time to speak words of encouragement to someone who desperately needs.

Let us make effort to save souls of those who have gone astray in our families, friends circle and in our community so that we may use our time wisely because every second counts at the end of our life.

Let us stop all the activities which will consume our time which will not benefit us and get ourselves involved in all the activities according to the Word of God so that it may benefit us and also to others through us so that we may have satisfaction at the end of our life for spending our time wisely.


Date: 12:09:2020.

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