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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – by Rovan Pinto.



"The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self; there is no flowering of the soul to the beauty of its perfection except at the price of pain." Saint Padre Pio.


We all daily struggle to overcome our selfishness, our wants, our worldly desires, pleasures of the flesh and many other things but the truth is only few succeed and others again fall into it.

We may all try our best to give up so many things by making New Year’s resolution in January and break it in February. We break resolutions because we are trying to overcome all connected to flesh through flesh.

We have to understand that the fight between good and bad inside us will be happening daily and whenever we defend good, good will win and whenever we defend bad, bad will win.

God doesn’t force anyone to choose good or bad but it is their personal decision to practice either good or bad. When we chose good God will back us up and when we choose bad devil will back us up.

When we tie ourselves with bad we will become selfish and because of this selfishness we will be straining relationships and also messing up our life.

 To get restored all our strained relationships and also all the mess in our life to turn into great message to others around us, we have to go through all the sufferings coming our way joyfully till our life will be shaped up into something best and unique.

God always disciplines those whom he wills and when we are disciplined by the Lord, it will be painful and hard to bear, when we learn to bear it with joy surely our life will be perfected by God and because of that our life will be disciplined and holy.

We have to understand that every pain in our life is the starting point of our reward. Instead of running away from pain because of fear let us ask God His strength to bear it and reap all the rewards God has destined for us.


Date: 02:09:2020.

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