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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the Devil. Remember this forever; it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since this shows that he is not inside your will.” ― Saint Padre Pio.


Devil is a liar and deceiver starting from the beginning till date and he targets people who are having lack of knowledge, people who are new in prayer and also people who are going through problems.

Devil knows very well how to attack people and he will not do it directly but indirectly through our thoughts by shifting our focus from God to problem. Once he has succeeded in doing this devil knows that he has won the battle against us.

Devil knows that once he puts fear of problem or situation inside us then we will be thinking more about the problem and less about the solutions and once this happens we will start speaking about our problems with others thinking that we will receive solutions but in turn our problems will become worst and unbearable.

We have to understand that God has power of His own and we can do nothing to increase it or to decrease it but on the other hand devil doesn’t have his own power but we give him power by agreeing to his wrong suggestions.

Let us understand one thing very clearly that God’s Word has power built within and it can bring solutions to any situation big or small only when we put our total confidence in His Word.

Devil can shout in our ears loudly about the wrong things but it is in our power to say no. We all should understand that we are created in image and likeness of God and because of that we are very powerful but most of us give lame excuses saying that we are weak and give devil opportunity to enter our life and steal, kill and destroy.


Let us have courage to face the devil not by our strength but by the strength of the Word of God. Word of God will surely make devil fearful and  because of that devil will be left with no option other than to flee from us.


Date: 17:09:2020.

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