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Monday, September 28, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 Peter 5:8 - Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.


When were in the flesh and world most of us were slaves of devil and his deceiving ways. When we came to God through prayers we try to give up things we were doing in the past. When we are in the process of giving up devil will not sit quietly but try his level best to bring those things in our life back which we are trying to give up.


For example if we were gossiping about others and after coming to God we realized our mistake and trying our level best to give up, suddenly the people with whom we were gossiping show up in front of us and when they start gossiping with us ,if we are not alert we may again fall trap to it. We cannot just pray without disciplining ourselves from all the things that distanced ourselves with God.


If we do not discipline ourselves with everything we think, speak and do then we are in seriously in danger of falling to our old life again. Devil will come to us sweetly with loads of temptations once we were indulging ourselves with. If we do not counter attack the devil with the Word of God then surely we will be doing the same things which we were doing in the past.


God is the only help we have to discipline ourselves and that is why God allows sufferings in our life to make devil feel that we are being punished , if we bear it joyfully then surely devil will regret it for the rest of our life because he has lost one member of his team to God. Let us get well equipped with the Word of God so that devil may not tempt us but flees from us.


God doesn’t allow anything in our life without connecting it to His plan and purpose for our life. Let us go through everything destined to us by God so that we may live for God when on earth and after our death we may be united with God forever.



Date: 28:09:2020.

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