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Monday, September 7, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 20:19 - A gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a babbler.


In our modern society we find people who gossip are increasing in numbers and piercing themselves with various pains. Many of us after being good because of the influence of the gossipers around us we have become like them.


Gossipers are not limited to one place today; they are everywhere that is why we have to be very alert and careful when making friends. If we just become friends with a person who gossips then surely within a matter of months we will become trained gossipers.


Whenever we find someone gossiping it is our duty either to silence them by making them know that they are doing wrong or else we should not associate with them.


Gossiping is nothing but revealing the secret of our common friends or unknown friends with our family and friends by telling them about the bad or wrong they are doing so that the character of that person is exposed by us.


There are many who share their confidential things with us thinking that we keep it in secret, the moment we have any conflict with that person we start gossiping about that person with our friends and also common friends.


We have to understand that every word we gossip about others are counted as careless words for which we have give account on the day of judgement and by our words we will either saved or condemned.


Let us be very careful when we speak to others instead of speaking careless words let us speak about God and His Word which will benefit them and also it will save us from gossiping.


Date: 07:09:2020.

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