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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 49:15 - Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.


God is promising us through His word that He will never forget  us even if our parents or family or friends forget us.


In today’s world because of increase in selfishness many of the children who are born are rejected by parents by leaving them in toilet or garbage bin or other places so that they can plan child whenever they want. Truth is children are not born because of sexual relationship but because of approval of God or else we would not have millions of childless couples all over the world.


God sees everything and He will surely take care of that rejected child by sending someone to that place where the child is. God will also bless that person who takes care of that child as his own child.


God has compassion on every one of us no matter what we have done and will never forget anyone no matter how far we have walked away from Him. There are many parents who love younger more than elder one and that is why the elder one feels rejected and if that rejection doesn’t heal then that particular child grows violent and rude.


God is the only one who can satisfy us and no person or things can take His place. We may forget to pray but God will be thinking all the time about us and finding ways to execute His great plans in our life.


We have to ask God His help in all our sorrows, anger, rebellion and all other things we are battling with. We can be sure that God will help us and show that He is always close to us and always waiting patiently to hear from us.


We have to fix one thing in our heart firmly that God will never forget us or fail us or abandon us or reject us no matter even if the whole world rejects us. God always accepts us as we are as His own and always having good thoughts about us.


Date: 22:09:2020.

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