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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



"Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church."Catechism of the Catholic Church 963.


Mother Mary was chosen by God the Father beforehand to be the mother of Jesus Christ. Many belonging to other denominations claim that Mother Mary is an ordinary woman and if she said no then anyone could have become the Mother of Jesus.


Truth is nobody could have even dared to become mother of Jesus except Mother Mary who was chosen by God before she was born. Her parent Joachim and Anna were childless and they were blessed with a child in their old age.


God chose out of the entire world pious parents for the Mother of God so that she also will become the same. Mother Mary was highly favoured one of God. We cannot come in favour of God unless we live a holy and righteous life. She was practicing holiness and righteousness from her childhood that’s why she remained the same till her death.


We have to understand that devotion to Mother Mary was practiced by many around the world much before Protestantism came into existence.

We have to understand that Martin Luther started Protestantism in 1517 AD. We have dig the life of Martin Luther before that and when we do that we find that he was a monk and surely monks pray more Rosary than any others. He was born Catholic but in the middle he did not like something which was going on in the Catholic Church so he protested against the Catholic church and started his own denomination.


Even after Protestants target Mother Mary for nothing still she prays for them that’s why many of the protestant leaders (Steve ray, scot Hahn, Keith nester, Dr. Peter kreeft) joined the Catholic Church and today they are teaching Catholics how to defend their catholic faith.


Date: 08:09:2020.

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