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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Psalm 118:8 - It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in mortals.


In today’s world people trust people easily and get deceived, many people have got into various problems for trusting others. People make friendship with others easily without even knowing their background and their ways.


If we put our confidence in people who are worldly then surely there will be series of problems knocking our doors. Here are some real incidents happened which landed people in problems for trusting people who are worldly. Many employers have used the help of the employees to obtain loan for the company and when time came to pay the loan back many employers have disappeared from the scene and because of that many employees are in the jail.  Many have given surety for loans and when the person did not pay back the loan the person who has given surety will be in problem and so on.


We have to put our confidence only in the Lord because He is truth and also He is faithful. He will never fail or never forsake us in times of our need.


Without knowing God’s Word thoroughly we cannot understand God clearly, God’s Word is the foundation for our relationship with God. Once that foundation is strong, no matter what situation we face we will not be disturbed and will be at peace.


God’s word is our confidence booster and when we speak God’s Word everyday it will build us strong from inside and also it will build others strong through us.


Let us build our total confidence in the Lord and build our relationship strong with the Word of God so that we may not get deceived by people. Let us trust people to some extent only and let trust the Lord fully so that we may experience goodness from His hands.



Date: 13:09:2020.

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