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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 - For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fornication;


We are all praying Our father everyday of our life and in this prayer there is one word we say that is “Thy will be done on hearth as it is in heaven”. But the truth is whether we follow what we say or are we saying just words to complete our daily commitment.


We all have to understand what is the Will of God for us. There are different will of God in our life, if we are alert we will be aware. God’s will for us is holiness, righteousness, obedience, sufferings to name a few.



Faith pleases God but holiness attracts God towards us and to live a holy life in this corrupt world is very difficult. Practicing holiness requires from us commitment and dependence on God who is holy of holies. When we are connected to God who is holy and accept His discipline in our life He will share His holiness with us.




Righteousness is doing right according to the Word of God. Doing right in midst of majority of the people doing wrong is very difficult but as we practice it will become easy for us. Word of God is the foundation for our practice of doing right. Without knowing Word of God we do not know what is right and wrong that is why we do wrong and think it is right.




Obedience is the very difficult to practice in our life because of the challenges we have to face in our life. Saints clearly say that every obedience to the Word of God makes every impossible situation easy and every disobedience to the Word of God makes every easy situation impossible to overcome.




Sufferings is coming in our life as a result of purification for our sins. Sufferings may be in the form of sickness or family problems or financial loss or trials or tribulations or persecution or false accusation and so on. There are 2 types of suffering comes in our life first one for doing evil and second one for doing good , always second one is better than first. Let us accept every suffering coming our way because through that our inner character will be turned to good from bad.


Let us abstain from everything which is displeasing God and start doing everything which will please God and also through our life of holiness let us attract God towards us.


Date: 16:09:2020.

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