"None of us lives
to himself, and none of us dies to himself.""If one member suffers,
all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you
are the body of Christ and individually members of it."-Catechism of the
Catholic Church 953.
Today’s generation have become so
selfish that they do not care anymore anyone going through sufferings. They see
people who go through suffering in their families, in their friends circle and
also in thr community instead of extending their helping hand they choose to
walk away like blind people.
When that same suffering person when
restored by God, same people who walked away without helping try to be friends.
Today’s people value money rather than values that is why we see people with
more money are decreasing in values of life.
We have to understand that we are
all different parts of the body of Christ, We all have work in unity and help
one another when we are well settled in life or else one storm can sweep away
our well settled life and make us needy. Let us be a part of someone’s
suffering by helping them with what we can and if we cannot help them
materially at least let us speak to them encouraging words which will help them
to rise up from their sufferings.
When someone suffers in our family
let us not rejoice or spend lavishly ignoring them but try to help them with
little we can with love and also when someone in our family or friends or in
community is honoured let us celebrate that person instead of getting jealous
about that person or trying to criticize that person.
God has blessed us with parents,
siblings, relatives, friends and community to live with, let’s try our level
best to live in harmony with them and be a blessing to someone we know and also
to someone we do not know.
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