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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Ecclesiastes12:14 - For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.


We are all living in this world with different types of people some are prayerful, some are prayerless, some are in habitual prayer, some are unbelievers, some with negative mindset, some are holy, some are evil, some are selfish, some are rude, some are arrogant, some are humble, some are  proud and so on.


When we are living in midst of all these people we will be living our life either influenced by them or we may live our life influenced by the Word of God.


If we live our life influenced by the people then surely we will be living in error if they are not living according to the Word of God. If we live according to the Word of God then surely we do not have fear anything because we will be living with God and also we will start doing good to others because of our connection with God who is the source of all goodness.


God has given us freewill either to do good or bad according to the fellowship we are in. If we are in fellowship with people who are worldly then surely we will do evil more than good. If we are in fellowship with God and His Word we will be doing more good than bad and also after having fellowship with the Word of God for few years we will not be able to do bad.


We have to understand that we all have to stand in front of the judgement seat of God after our death. Judgement of God will be just and we cannot argue or rebel or disagree but we have to receive from His hands just judgement and we have to go to the place where we are destined.


Many in this world do things in secret only they and God knows and if those things are not brought to their notice when they are alive, then they will surely regret it after their death because of temporal fire in purgatory or eternal fire in hell.


We have to accept corrections from God through His Word and change our ways as soon as possible before it’s too late because no one knows when death will knock at their door. In today’s world death will knock at the door of children, youth, adults and also old people. No one is given guarantee of tomorrow that’s why whatever we have to do we have to do it today.



Date: 26:09:2020.

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