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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Philippians 1:6 - I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.


If we have started our journey of faith with the Lord then slowly by slowly our thinking, our actions, our words, our confidence will change. That’s why when we analyze our life from the point we began to the point we are now, we can surely see changes which will surprise us.


We are all work in progress that’s why most of us are not compatible with others and because of not being compatible with others there will be surely disagreements, arguments, fights, anger etc.


We all have to understand that everyone who has started their journey with the Lord will be growing little by little everyday depending on that person’s desire and commitment.


We have all started our journey with the Lord at some point of life that is why the person who has started journey with the Lord from few months cannot match the person who has started the journey with the Lord from few years, both will be having different views about faith and both act differently in the time of crisis.


God is the one who has begun His work in our life and it is He who will give us the final shape according to His purpose and bring it to completion.


Everyone evaluates a spiritual person by the gifts  he or she has and get deceived because of that, God’s Word says that we have evaluate the person not by gifts but by fruit of the Holy Spirit they possess.


We are all going to start our journey with nothing and as the years go on with dedication, commitment and love surely we are going be something in some year’s time.



Date: 10:09:2020.

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