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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


In today’s modern world youngsters and adults are getting themselves involved in sexual immorality and because of that there is great increase in abortions all over the world.


People have lost their senses and because of this they will go to any extent to satisfy their lust. People do not even care if someone’s life is spoilt because of their selfishness.


We have to understand that lust is like a flame if it ignites it will surely burn us not only here on earth but also after death in hell eternally.  Lust can start in us through impure movies and books but if we do not take care it will end in fornication or adultery. When we are committing sin of fornication or adultery many a times pregnancy will be one of the result of that wrong relationship which many of them want to get it out from their life so that they may not take any responsibility of that child and also relationship.


In the olden days men or women who were committing adultery were stoned to death but today everyone is getting free licence to commit it through the support of governments in many countries. Many leaders even have gone to the extent of saying that abortion is legal. Because of this legality people are not scared of doing abortion and killing life. They openly brag about their shameless acts  on social media .


God is the author of our life and only He has right to take the life back. Couples who are committing abortion are guilty of murder and because of that many who have committed abortion live without peace all the time.


Even if the entire world says fornication, adultery and abortion is legal still if God says it is wrong then all are wrong. What God say stands forever and what people say stand only till they die.


To believe God and His Word will be wise decision we can ever make and to believe what people, leaders or celebrities say will be foolish decision we can make if it is not according to the Word of God.




Date: 24:09:2020.

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