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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.” Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


We are praying to succeed in some or the other things in our life but the truth is success will surely come to us but not as fast as we think. Trying with the help of Word of God will be our work until we receive success and granting success is God’s work.


We have to pray so that we can try new things according to the Word of God and everything according to the Word of God is very difficult and we can succeed only when we try again and again when we fail miserably.


People who are new in prayers and people who are in prayers for long time are bound to fail in one or many things. People who are new in prayers may become discouraged and some may quit prayers thinking that prayer is not for them. People who are long in prayers when they miserably fail their ego come in between and they also may feel ashamed of themselves for few days or months and then some may start prayers again and others may become carnal minded.


God knows very well that we cannot succeed with our strength that is why whenever we fall short after trying very hard He gives us His Grace to make us qualify to receive blessings. Most of us do not want to try new things because we are comfortable in our daily routine. If any obstructions come against our daily routine we will get disturbed immediately and will fall trap to oppression and depression and after that also if we try live to ourselves then depression will grow into despair and end in suicide.


Let us try to practice everything according to the Word of God so that our practice may bring good things in our life. Practicing Word of God requires courage, confidence and patience so that we may have desire to keep on trying till we succeed. Sometimes we may succeed in few days, sometimes few months and sometimes few years. We have to have patience till we succeed.


Date: 20:09:2020.

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